• 2025

    187 Yijing Wu, Jinghan Zhuang, Panpan Yu, Yifan Liu, Ziqiang Wang, Yinmei Li, Chengwei Qiu and Lei Gong. Time-varying 3D optical torque via a single beam. Nature Communications, 16, 593 (2025).

  • 2017之前

    【146】 W. Liu, Y. Lu, L. Gong, X. Chu, G. Xue, Y. Ren, M. Zhong, Z. Wang, J. Zhou, and Y. Li, Dynamic enhancement of autofocusing property for symmetric Airy beam with exponential amplitude modulation, J Optics-Uk 18, 075301 (2016).

    【145】 L. Gong, W. Liu, Q. Zhao, Y. Ren, X. Qiu, M. Zhong, and Y. Li, Controllable light capsules employing modified Bessel-Gauss beams, Sci Rep-Uk 6(2016).

    【144】 李银妹, 龚雷, 李迪, 刘伟伟, 钟敏成, 周金华, 王自强, and 姚焜, 光镊技术的研究现况, 中 国 激 光 42(2015).

    【143】 李煌, 李光仁, 姚焜, 叶俊雄, and 李银妹, 脱离传统显微镜的微型光镊微操作仪研制, 量子电子学报 2, 014 (2015).

    【142】 J.-H. Zhou, D. Li, X.-Y. Hu, M.-C. Zhong, Z.-Q. Wang, L. Gong, W.-W. Liu, and Y.-M. Li, Calibrating oscillation response of a piezo-stage using optical tweezers, Optics Express 23, 24108-24119 (2015).

    【141】 Q. Zhao, L. Gong, and Y.-M. Li, Shaping diffraction-free Lommel beams with digital binary amplitude masks, Applied optics 54, 7553-7558 (2015).

    【140】 Y. Yuan, D. Li, J. Zhang, X. Chen, C. Zhang, Z. Ding, L. Wang, X. Zhang, J. Yuan, and Y. Li, Bridging cells of three colors with two bio-orthogonal click reactions, Chem Sci 6, 6425-6431 (2015).

    【139】 X.-Z. Qiu, L. Gong, Q. Zhao, and Y. Li, Generation of Parabolic Non-diffracting Waves with Digital Micromirror Device, in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, (Optical Society of America, 2015), DW2A. 13.

    【138】 W. Liu, Y. Lu, L. Gong, and Y. Li, Abruptly autofocusing properties of approximate dual airy beam generated from symmetric cubic phase, in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, (Optical Society of America, 2015), DW2A. 29.

    【137】 L. Gong, X.-Z. Qiu, Q. Zhao, and Y. Li, Self-healing Behavior of the Non-diffracting Asymmetric Bessel Beams, in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, (Optical Society of America, 2015), DM3A. 6.

    【136】 L. Gong, W.-W. Liu, Y.-X. Ren, Y. Lu, and Y.-M. Li, Self-bending symmetric cusp beams, Applied Physics Letters 107, 231110 (2015).

    【135】 L. Di, Z. Jin-Hua, H. Xin-Yao, Z. Min-Cheng, G. Lei, W. Zi-Qiang, W. Hao-Wei, and L. Yin-Mei, In situ calibrating optical tweezers with sinusoidal-wave drag force method, Chinese Physics B 24, 118703 (2015).

    【134】 王自强, 钟敏成, 周金华, 孔凡让, and 李银妹, 光镊系统随机漂移建模和误差补偿, 光学精密工程 22, 1403-1409 (2014).

    【133】 M.-C. Zhong, L. Gong, D. Li, J.-H. Zhou, Z.-Q. Wang, and Y.-M. Li, Optical trapping of core-shell magnetic microparticles by cylindrical vector beams, Applied Physics Letters 105, 181112 (2014).

    【132】 M. C. Zhong, X. Wang, J. H. Zhou, Z. Q. Wang, and Y. M. Li, Optimal beam diameter for lateral optical forces on microspheres at a water-air interface, Chinese Optics Letters 12(2014).

    【131】 P. Xia, J. H. Zhou, X. Y. Song, B. Wu, X. Liu, D. Li, S. Y. Zhang, Z. K. Wang, H. J. Yu, T. Ward, J. C. Zhang, Y. M. Li, X. N. Wang, Y. Chen, Z. Guo, and X. B. Yao, Aurora A orchestrates entosis by regulating a dynamic MCAK-TIP150 interaction, J Mol Cell Biol 6, 240-254 (2014).

    【130】 Z.-Q. Wang, J.-H. Zhou, M.-C. Zhong, D. Li, and Y.-M. Li, Calibration of optical tweezers based on an autoregressive model, Optics Express 22, 16956-16964 (2014).

    【129】 Z. Q. Wang, D. Li, M. C. Zhong, J. H. Zhou, Y. M. Li, and F. R. Kong, Application of Wavelet Filter Method in Optical Tweezers Signal Processing, Advanced Materials Research 846, 966-971 (2014).

    【128】 L. Gong, Y. Ren, W. Liu, M. Wang, M. Zhong, Z. Wang, and Y. Li, Generation of cylindrically polarized vector vortex beams with digital micromirror device, J Appl Phys 116, 183105 (2014).

    【127】 L. Gong, X.-Z. Qiu, Y.-X. Ren, H.-Q. Zhu, W.-W. Liu, J.-H. Zhou, M.-C. Zhong, X.-X. Chu, and Y.-M. Li, Observation of the asymmetric Bessel beams with arbitrary orientation using a digital micromirror device, Optics Express 22, 26763-26776 (2014).

    【126】 王自强, 钟敏成, 周金华, and 李银妹, 基于自回归模型的光阱中粒子运动模拟, 物理学报 62, 188701-188701 (2013).

    【125】 M.-C. Zhong, X.-B. Wei, J.-H. Zhou, Z.-Q. Wang, and Y.-M. Li, Trapping red blood cells in living animals using optical tweezers, Nat Commun 4, 1768 (2013).

    【124】 M.-C. Zhong, L. Gong, J.-H. Zhou, Z.-Q. Wang, and Y.-M. Li, Optical trapping of red blood cells in living animals with a water immersion objective, Optics Letters 38, 5134-5137 (2013).

    【123】 G. Xue, K. Chen, G. Shen, Z. Wang, Q. Zhang, J. Cai, and Y. Li, Phase-separation and photoresponse in binary azobenzene-containing polymer vesicles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 436, 1007-1012 (2013).

    【122】 X. Wen, Z. Xi, X. Jiao, W. Yu, G. Xue, D. Zhang, Y. Lu, P. Wang, S. Blair, and H. Ming, Plasmonic coupling effect in Ag nanocap–nanohole pairs for surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Plasmonics 8, 225-231 (2013).

    【121】 K. Sun, K. Chen, G. Xue, J. Cai, G. Zou, Y. Li, and Q. Zhang, Near-infrared light induced fusion and fission of azobenzene-containing polymer vesicles, RSC Advances 3, 23997-24000 (2013).

    【120】 G. Shen, G. Xue, J. Cai, G. Zou, Y. Li, and Q. Zhang, Photo-induced reversible uniform to Janus shape change of vesicles composed of PNIPAM-b-PAzPy2, Soft Matter 9, 2512-2517 (2013).

    【119】 L. Gong, Y. X. Ren, G. S. Xue, Q. C. Wang, J. H. Zhou, M. C. Zhong, Z. Q. Wang, and Y. M. Li, Generation of nondiffracting Bessel beam using digital micromirror device, Applied Optics 52, 4566-4575 (2013).

    【118】 K. Chen, G. Xue, G. Shen, J. Cai, G. Zou, Y. Li, and Q. Zhang, UV and visible light induced fission of azobenzene-containing polymer vesicles, RSC Adv. (2013).

    【117】 周金华, 王自强, 钟敏成, 周丹丹, and 李银妹, 一种俘获及探测复用的扫描光镊系统,  (2012).

    【116】 周丹丹, 任煜轩, 刘伟伟, 龚雷, and 李银妹, 时间飞行法测量光阱刚度的实验研究, 物理学报 61, 228702-228702 (2012).

    【115】 钟敏成, 李银妹, 周金华, and 王自强, 活体动物体内的细胞的捕获、操控方法及相应的装置,  (2012).

    【114】 孙晴, 姚焜, and 李银妹, 液晶空间光调制器在生物光学显微中的应用, 激光生物学报 21, 97-102 (2012).

    【113】 任洪亮, 王加贤, 庄其仁, 丁攀峰, and 李小燕, 小型化可调光镊设计, 量子光学学报, 297-301 (2012).

    【112】 刘伟伟, 任煜轩, 高红芳, 孙晴, 王自强, and 李银妹, 泽尼克多项式校正全息阵列光镊像差的实验研究, 物理学报 61, 188701 (2012).

    【111】 J. H. Zhou, M. C. Zhong, Z. Q. Wang, and Y. M. Li, Calculation of optical forces on an ellipsoid using vectorial ray tracing method, Optics Express 20, 14928–14937 (2012).

    【110】 M. C. Zhong, G. S. Xue, J. H. Zhou, Z. Q. Wang, and Y. M. Li, Measurement of interaction force between RGD-peptide and Hela cell surface by Optical tweezers, Chinese Optics Letters 10, 101701 (2012).

    【109】 G. Y. Shen, G. S. Xue, J. Cai, G. Zou, Y. M. Li, M. C. Zhong, and Q. J. Zhang, In situ observation of azobenzene isomerization along with photo-induced swelling of cross-linked vesicles by laser-trapping Raman spectroscopy, Soft Matter 8, 9127-9131 (2012).

    【108】 Y. J. Huang, W. W. Wang, P. Yao, X. W. Wang, X. Liu, X. X. Zhuang, F. Yan, J. H. Zhou, J. Du, T. Ward, H. F. Zou, J. C. Zhang, G. W. Fang, X. Ding, Z. Dou, and X. B. Yao, CENP-E Kinesin Interacts with SKAP Protein to Orchestrate Accurate Chromosome Segregation in Mitosis, J Biol Chem 287, 1500-1509 (2012).

    【107】 孙晴, 任煜轩, 姚焜, 李银妹, and 卢荣德, 阵列光镊衍射元件的算法设计, 中国激光 38, 0109003 (2011).

    【106】 任煜轩, 龚雷, 高红芳, 刘伟伟, and 李银妹, 基于新型杂化光镊的软物质综合测量装置,  (2011).

    【105】 任洪亮, 周金华, 丁攀峰, and 李银妹, 胶体微粒间相互作用势测量系统, 中国激光 38, 1208002 (2011).

    【104】 高红芳, 任煜轩, 刘伟伟, and 李银妹, 酵母细胞在涡旋光阱中的旋转动力学研究, 中国激光 38, 0404002 (2011).

    【103】 Y.-X. Ren, J.-G. Wu, and Y.-M. Li, Application of Monte Carlo Simulation in Optical Tweezers, in In Applications of Monte Carlo Method in Science and Engineering, S. Mark and S. Mordechai, eds. (Rijeka InTech, 2011).

    【102】 钟敏成, 张文静, 周金华, 李银妹, 田来科, and 白晋涛, 背散光实时分辨光阱中的纳米粒子个数, 中国激光 37, 398-403 (2010).

    【101】 任煜轩, 吴建光, 周小为, 付绍军, 孙晴, 王自强, and 李银妹, 相位片角向衍射产生拉盖尔-高斯光束的实验研究, 物理学报 59, 3930-3935 (2010).

    【100】 M. C. Zhong, J. H. Zhou, and Y. M. Li, Calculation of Optical Trapping Forces on Dielectric Spheres at an Oil-Water Interface with Ray-Optics Model, Chinese Optics Letters 8, 673-675 (2010).

    【99】 Y. X. Ren, J. G. Wu, M. C. Zhong, and Y. M. Li, Monte Carlo simulation of effective stiffness of time-sharing optical tweezers, Chinese Optics Letters 8, 170-173 (2010).

    【98】 Y. X. Ren, J. G. Wu, M. Chen, H. Li, and Y. M. Li, Stability of Novel Time-Sharing Dual Optical Tweezers Using a Rotating Tilt Glass Plate, Chinese Physics Letters 27, 028703 (2010).

    【97】 Y. X. Ren, M. Li, K. Huang, J. G. Wu, H. F. Gao, Z. Q. Wang, and Y. M. Li, Experimental generation of Laguerre-Gaussian beam using digital micromirror device, Applied Optics 49, 1838-1844 (2010).

    【96】 Y. Ren, J. Wu, M. Zhong, and Y. Li, Monte-Carlo simulation of effective stiffness of time-sharing optical tweezers, Chinese Optics Letters 8, 170-172 (2010).

    【95】 周程, 李煌, 姚焜, and 李银妹, 激光多普勒技术测量微管中液流加速度, 应用激光 29, 237-240 (2009).

    【94】 吴建光, 任煜轩, 王自强, 周程, and 李银妹, 旋转玻片法实现分时复用多光阱, 中国激光 36, 2751-2756 (2009).

    【93】 陈冠雄, 周金华, 任煜轩, and 李银妹, 操控金属粒子的光镊技术, 激光与光电子进展 46, 32-38 (2009).

    【92】 J. H. Zhou, R. Z. Tao, Z. B. Hu, M. C. Zhong, Z. Q. Wang, J. Cai, and Y. M. Li, Manipulation of Nanoparticles Using Dark-Field-Illumination Optical Tweezers with Compensating Spherical Aberration, Chinese Physics Letters 26, 068701 (2009).

    【91】 M. C. Zhong, J. H. Zhou, J. G. Wu, and Y. M. Li, Determination of the axial stiffness of an optical trap with information entropy signals, Proc of SPIE 7507, 75070J (2009).

    【90】 M. C. Zhong, J. H. Zhou, Y. X. Ren, Y. M. Li, and Z. Q. Wang, Rotation of birefringent particles in optical tweezers with spherical aberration, Applied Optics 48, 4397-4402 (2009).

    【89】 J. G. Wu, Y. M. Li, D. Lu, Z. Liu, Z. D. Cheng, and L. Q. He, Measurement of the Membrane Elasticity of Red Blood Cell with Osmotic Pressure by Optical Tweezers, Cryoletters 30, 89-95 (2009).

    【88】 Y. X. Ren, M. C. Zhong, J. G. Wu, Z. Q. Wang, and Y. M. Li, Experimental investigation on how sampling frequency affects the measured stiffness of an optical trap, IEEE Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, 1 - 4 (2009).

    【87】 Y. X. Ren, M. Chen, J. G. Wu, and Y. M. Li, Effective stiffness of Rotating-glass-plate Time-sharing Multiple Optical Tweezers, Proc of SPIE 7507, 750703 (2009).

    【86】 王自强, 李银妹, 楼立人, 魏衡华, and 王忠, BP神经网络用于光镊力的非线性修正研究, 光学精密工程 16, 6-10 (2008).

    【85】 任煜轩, 周金华, 吴建光, and 李银妹, 全息光镊-光镊家族中极具活力的成员, 激光与光电子学进展 45, 35-41 (2008).

    【84】 任洪亮, 庄礼辉, and 李银妹, 双光镊测量胶体微粒间相互作用势, 中国激光 35, 151-155 (2008).

    【83】 任洪亮, 王久扬, 楼立人, 郑虹, and 李银妹, 利用迈克尔逊干涉仪测量波片相位延迟量和快轴方向, 中国激光 35, 249-253 (2008).

    【82】 J. G. Wu, Y. M. Li, Z. Liu, D. Lu, L. Q. He, and Z. D. Cheng, Measuring Membrane Elasticity of Red Blood Cell under Different Osmotic Pressures Using Optical Tweezers, in Proc. of ICBBE,  (2008).

    【81】 J. G. Wu, Investigation of the Cytotoxicity of NK Cells Against K562 Cells Investigated Using Optical Tweezers, Cellular & Molecular Immunology (2008).

    【80】 Z.-q. WANG, Y.-m. LI, L.-r. LOU, H.-h. WEI, and Z. Wang, Application of BP neural network to nonlinearity correction of optical tweezer force [J], Optics and Precision Engineering 1, 004 (2008).

    【79】 B. H. Meng, J. G. Wu, Y. M. Li, and L. R. Lou, Aging process of bond between colloidal particles using laser tweezers, Colloids and Surfaces A (2008).

    【78】 M. Bing-Huan, Z. Jin-Hua, Z. Min-Cheng, L. Yin-Mei, W. Jian-Guang, and R. Hong-Liang, Improvement of transverse trapping efficiency of optical tweezers, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 2300 (2008).

    【77】 庄礼辉, 任洪亮, and 李银妹, 同步斩波法测量胶体粒子间相互作用势, 应用激光 27, 132-135 (2007).

    【76】 周金华, 龚錾, and 李银妹, 光镊与介电泳微操纵技术, 激光生物学报 16, 119-127 (2007).

    【75】 吴建光 and 李银妹, 光镊技术在分子免疫学中的应用, in 纳米与表面科学技术全国会议,  (2007).

    【74】 王自强, 魏衡华, 谷勇强, and 李银妹, 光镊系统中QD器件标定与非线性修正技术研究, 自动化仪表 28, 1-7 (2007).

    【73】 李银妹, 利用光镊技术演示光角动量旋转, 物理实验 27, 6-10 (2007).

    【72】 谷勇强, 龚錾, 楼立人, and 李银妹, 光镊中油浸物镜数值孔径利用率的研究, 应用激光 27, 98-103(2007).

    【71】 L. H. Zhuang, H. L. Ren, and Y. M. Li, Measurement of the Interaction Potential of Colloidal Particles by a Synchronized chopper, Applied Laser27, 132-135 (2007).

    【70】 J. H. Zhou, Z. Gong, and Y. M. Li, Micromanipulation by means of Optical Tweezers and Dielectrophoresis Technologies, ACTA LASER B IOLOGY SIN ICA 16, 119-127 (2007).

    【69】 Z. Q. Wang, H. H. Wei, Y. Q. Gu, and Y. M. Li, Research on Calibration of QD Device and Non-linear Correction in Optical Tweezers System, 自动化仪表 28, 1-7 (2007).

    【68】 W. Su, H. Zhao, Z. Wang, Y. M. Li, and Q. J. Zhang, Sphere to disk transformation of micro-particle composed of azobenzene-containing amphiphilic diblock copolymers under irradiation at 436 nm, European Polymer Journal 43, 657-662 (2007).

    【67】 W. Su, Y. H. Luo, Q. Yan, S. Wu, K. Han, Q. J. Zhang, Y. Q. Gu, and Y. M. Li, Photoinduced fusion of micro-vesicles self-assembled from azobenzene-containing amphiphilic diblock copolymers, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 28, 1251-1256 (2007).

    【66】 W. Su, K. Han, Y. H. Luo, Z. Wang, Y. M. Li, and Q. J. Zhang, Formation and photoresponsive properties of giant microvesicles assembled from azobenzene-containing amphiphilic diblock copolymers, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 208, 955-963 (2007).

    【65】 Y. Q. Gu, Z. Gong, L. R. Lou, and Y. M. Li, The Numerical Aperture Utilization Ratio of Oil-immersion Objective in Optical Tweezers, Applied Laser 27, 98-103 (2007).

    【64】 Z. Gong, Z. Wang, Y. M. Li, L. R. Lou, and S. H. Xu, Axial deviation of an optically trapped particle in trapping force calibration using the drag force method, Optics Communications 273, 37-42 (2007).

    【63】 H. D. Chen, K. K. Ge, Y. M. Li, J. G. Wu, Y. Q. Gu, H. M. Wei, and Z. G. Tian, Application of optical tweezers in the research of molecular interaction between lymphocyte function associated antigen-1 and its monoclonal antibody, Cellular & Molecular Immunology 4, 221-225 (2007).

    【62】 庄礼辉, 任洪亮, and 李银妹, 用双光镊测量胶体相互作用势, in 长三角光子学会议论文(2006).

    【61】 张文静, 庄礼辉, 李银妹, and 楼立人, 非接触光镊法研究混合液体黏滞系数的组分关系, 应用激光 26, 257-260 (2006).

    【60】 张文静, 李银妹, 楼立人, 徐升华, and 孟炳寰, 应用光镊技术测量液相微区温度, 中国激光 33, 663-666 (2006).

    【59】 王自强, 王浩威, 席时权, 胡赞民, and 李银妹, 微束激光基因转移仪的研制, 自动化仪表 27, 18-20 (2006).

    【58】 王忠, 李银妹, 楼立人, 王浩威, and 龚錾, 双光阱法测量光阱横向力场分布, 中国激光 33, 195-198 (2006).

    【57】 任洪亮, 庄礼辉, and 李银妹, 利用光镊研究光致旋转及其应用, in 长三角光子学会议论文,  (2006).

    【56】 W. J. Zhang, L. H. Zhuang, Y. M. Li, and L. R. Lou, Studying the relationship between the viscosity and the concentration of solutions by using technology of optical tweezers, Applied Laser 26, 257-260 (2006).

    【55】 W. J. Zhang, Y. M. Li, L. R. Lou, S. H. Xu, and B. H. Meng, New method of measuring temperature of liquid micro-area by using technology of optical tweezers, Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 33, 663-666 (2006).

    【54】 Z. Q. Wang, H. W. Wang, S. Q. Xi, Z. M. Hu, and Y. M. Li, Research and Development of Micro-beam laser Transgenic Apparatus, 自动化仪表 27, 18~20 (2006).

    【53】 Z. Wang, Y. M. Li, L. R. Lou, H. W. Wang, and Z. Gong, Measuring the lateral force distribution of the optical trap by using the double optical trap method, Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 33, 195-198 (2006).

    【52】 Z. Gong, H. T. Chen, S. H. Xu, Y. M. Li, and L. R. Lou, Monte-Carlo simulation of optical trap stiffness measurement, Optics Communications 263, 229-234 (2006).

    【51】 吴柏枚,刘洪图,谢建平,王声波,李银妹, 高等物理实验精选 (中国科学技术大学, 2005).

    【50】 孙玉芬, 李银妹, and 楼立人, 光阱中的CaCO3晶体微粒的光致旋转, 中国激光 32, 315-318 (2005).

    【49】 龚錾, 陈洪涛, 李银妹, 楼立人, and 邱俊, 四种光阱刚度测量法的实验研究与比较, 中国科学技术大学学报 35, 601-607 (2005).

    【48】 鲍建华, 龚錾, 陈洪涛, 王忠, 李银妹, and 楼立人, 粒子的轴向位移对光阱力学参数标定的影响, 中国激光 32, 1421-1424 (2005).

    【47】 S. H. Xu, Y. M. Li, and L. R. Lou, Axial optical trapping forces on two particles trapped simultaneously by optical tweezers, Applied Optics 44, 2667-2672 (2005).

    【46】 Y. F. Sun, Y. M. Li, and L. R. Lou, Optical rotation of crystal CaCO3 micro-particle in optical tweezers, Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 32, 315-318 (2005).

    【45】 X. Sheng-Hua, L. Yin-Mei, L. Li-Ren, and S. Zhi-Wei, Computer simulation of the collision frequency of two particles in optical tweezers, Chinese Physics 14, 382 (2005).

    【44】 Z. Gong, H. Chen, S. Xu, Y. Li, and L. Lou, Influence of the bandwidth of an acquisition system on the trap stiffness measurement, in Proc. of SPIE, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States, 2005), 262-265.

    【43】 J. H. Bao, Y. M. Li, L. R. Lou, and Z. Wang, Measurement of the axial displacement with information entropy, Journal of Optics a-Pure and Applied Optics 7, 76-81 (2005).

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    【40】 J. H. Bao, Z. Gong, H. T. Chen, Z. Wang, Y. M. Li, and L. R. Lou, Influence of the axial displacement of a trapped bead on the calibration of the force parameters of optical tweezers, Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 32, 1421-1424 (2005).

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    【38】 孙玉芬, 徐升华, 李银妹, and 楼立人, 受限分散体系中粒子扩散特性的研究, 力学学报 36, 1-5 (2004).

    【37】 沈为民, 李银妹, 乐加昌, 周辉, 李先锋, and 楼立人, 光镊技术测量生物大分子间的结合强度, 应用激光 24, 233-236 (2004).

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    【35】 陈洪涛, 李银妹, 楼立人, 孙黎, 张达, and 龚錾, 光镊技术中的纳米位移探测及其测量误差讨论, 中国激光 31, 729-734 (2004).

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    【33】 H. W. Wang, X. H. Liu, L. Y.M., B. Han, L. R. Lou, and K. J. Wang, Optical Technic of Isolation a Single Chromosome, ACTA BIOPHYSICA SINICA 20, 50-56 (2004).

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    【30】 H.-T. Chen, Y.-M. Li, L.-R. Lou, Z. Gong, and J. Qiu, Experimental conditions dependence of trap stiffness in optical tweezers, Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 31, 1361-1366 (2004).

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    【23】 李银妹, 光的力学效应及光阱力的测量, 物理实验 23, 13-17 (2003).

    【22】 陈洪涛, 纳米光镊技术研究, (中国科学技术大学, 2003).

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    【20】 Z. W. Sun, R. Z. Zhu, Y. M. Li, S. H. Xu, and L. R. Lou, Dependence of collision frequency on distance between two hard-sphere particles estimated by computer simulation, Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 19, 1078-1080 (2003).

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    【17】 陈洪涛, 李银妹, 楼立人, and 王浩威, 激光光镊中纳米位移QD法和CCD法测量装置, 中国激光(增刊) A29, 672-674 (2002).

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